How do I move my subscription from Patreon to your website?


Since our website and Patreon are different platforms there is no way to automatically migrate your existing subscription over.

To migrate, follow these steps:

You'll first need to go HERE and subscribe to the tier you want in our new system. Make sure you're signed in with your current account that is linked with Patreon and it will apply a flat rate discount for you automatically.

Once you sign up in the new system, you can head back over to Patreon and cancel your old membership there so you aren't double billed.

Once you complete the move, you'll no longer need Patreon for any of the FootClan perks. If you were receiving the FootCast and unlocked our Discord server, you'll just need to reconnect those two things which can be done from the Footclan HQ by clicking the respective buttons.

Need more help, email us.